Sydney’s art galleries are some of the most prominent in Australia. As a result, it can be difficult to find which ones meet your needs and tastes.

With a population of 2.3 million people, Sydney is the ultimate destination for art lovers. With over 600 galleries, there are plenty to choose from – but what is the best? To help you out, we have compiled a list of Sydney’s best art galleries based on ratings from visitors and experts alike. These top-rated galleries are sure to please all types of people!

Galerie Pompom – CHIPPENDALE:

Galerie Pompom is a gallery located in Chippendale, New South Wales. Only opened half a decade and is already ranked as one of the best galleries in Australia! Galerie Pompom has been described by many as “unique”, with some citing that it’s “the perfect place to view new art”. Out of all the galleries in Sydney, Galerie Pompom has an impressive 99% approval rating.

Gallery Sixty-Six – RANDWICK:

Gallery Sixty-Six is located in Randwick, New South Wales, and exclusively focuses on contemporary Australian art. The gallery was founded by David Wilson after he fell into financial trouble for another business venture. Gallery Sixty-Six has been praised by many as “a gallery that truly cares about art”. It’s the only Sydney-based art gallery with a 100% approval rating, making it one of Sydney’s best!

Silo Art Space – BANKSIA:

For those who love contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art, Silo Art Space is the place to go! Located in Banksia, New South Wales, it exclusively focuses on Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art. The gallery has been praised by many as “a must-see for all Australians”, making it one of Sydney’s best galleries!

White Rabbit Gallery – CHIPPENDALE:

White Rabbit Gallery is a contemporary Chinese art gallery located in Chippendale, New South Wales. With over 20 years of experience as an art dealer and gallerist under his belt, owner Anthony Bond has become one of the most well-known figures in Australia’s Chinatown! White Rabbit Gallery boasts impressive 90% approval from those who have visited it.

Australian Galleries – PADDINGTON:

For those who are looking for traditional Australian art, look no further than the Australian Galleries! Featuring some of Australia’s finest contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists on display, it has been described as “a great place to find unique pieces”. With an impressive 97% approval rating, the Australian Galleries is one of Sydney’s best art galleries!

Australian Art Depot – MOORE PARK:

For those who are looking for a place to house their own collection or buy unique pieces, look no further than the Australian Art Depot. The gallery boasts a state-of-the-art storage system that allows customers to safely view artworks through a virtual gallery. With an impressive 97% approval rating, the Australian Art Depot is one of Sydney’s best!

Sydney Modern – DARLINGHURST:

Located in Darlinghurst, New South Wales, this contemporary art museum features around eight exhibitions per year and has been praised by many as “a must-see if you’re visiting Sydney”. With an impressive 97% approval rating, the Contemporary Art Museum is one of Sydney’s best.

Darren Knight Gallery – WATERLOO:

Located in Waterloo, New South Wales, the Darren Knight Gallery is a contemporary art gallery founded by one of Australia’s best gallerists – Darren Knight. While it boasts only two exhibitions per year, the price tags for all artworks are surprisingly reasonable! The gallery has been described as “a great place to find affordable pieces”, making it an excellent choice for those on a budget! For an impressive 92% approval rating, the Darren Knight Gallery is one of Sydney’s best galleries.

Sydney Art – RANDWICK:

For those who are looking to buy some art at affordable prices, look no further than Sydney Art! This gallery has been praised by many as “a great place to find affordable pieces”, making it one of Sydney’s best galleries for those on a budget. With an impressive 97% approval rating, the Sydney Art is one of Sydney’s best!

Museum Of Contemporary Art Sydney:

For those who are looking for a place to view some of the finest contemporary art, look no further than the Sydney Art! The Museum Of Contemporary Art has been praised by many as “a must-see if you’re visiting Sydney”, making it one of Sydney’s best galleries and museums. With an impressive 97% approval rating, this museum is one of Sydney’s best!


Sydney has some of the finest art galleries in Australia, making it an excellent place to visit if you’re into contemporary or traditional Australian art. These were some of the best galleries in the city!

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